About KneeForce

We’re on a mission to give you the best knee pain information

KneeForce was started with one simple idea. We wanted to help people make informed decisions about their knee health. Providing well-researched information that readers could trust and recommend to friends and family.

What We Stand For…

We are committed to providing our audience with trusted, well-researched, evidence-based knee health information. Sourced from leading experts in knee treatments, healthcare providers and patient advocates.

Our editorial team is made up of experienced knee surgeons, doctors, and physical therapists. In addition to having many years of expertise, they stay up to date on the latest news and research by attending both medical and patient conferences and events.

Medical Reviewers and Advisors

Our team of top-rated knee specialists and health professionals make sure our content is always accurate and up to date.

Are you a reputable knee specialist? Send an email to contact@kneeforce.com to explore the partnership opportunities.

Kristopher Ceniza (PT)

Kris is physical therapist specializing in sporting injuries and fitness. Focusing on knee pain, Kris has seen it all when it comes to trauma knee injuries. Passionate about helping people return to the sport they love, Kris writes many of the sporting focused articles at Knee Force. Outside of his work, his dogs keep him busy and he loves to hit the open road when he is not working in his practice.

Mitch Torres (PT)

Mitch is a physical therapist, personal trainer, and nutrition coach. Fascinated with the knee joint, Mitch poured that passion into writing about knee pain and how to overcome it with movement. His goal is to teach you how to apply this knowledge into your daily life, so you can keep knee pain away for good.

Paolo Sarmiento (PTRP, DPT)

Paolo is a physical therapist, educator and fitness enthusiast. He shares his knowledge and experience in helping people deal with health issues, especially with the knee and shoulder. As health-conscious as he can be, he enjoys long bicycle rides, early morning runs, and a good slice of pizza with extra pepperoni.

Sony Serpa (MD)

Sony Sherpa is a board-certified clinical doctor and currently, she is working as a medical officer in the emergency department of a renowned hospital. With a medical degree completed at a young age, she writes medical articles with accuracy owing to her medical knowledge and thorough background research.

Eloise Eshman

Eloise slipped on black ice when she was living in Japan, and the fall resulted in a meniscus tear. Little did she know this would start a healthy obsession with knee pain recovery and exercises. Her personal experience with knee injuries helps to understand others’ needs and how they can better manage their pain. Eloise likes to focus on conditioning and nutrition to help others recover from their knee pain.

Medical Network

Dr. Norman Shealy

C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D., D. Sc., FACS, DABNS is President of Shealy -Sorin Wellness Institute and Holos Energy Medicine Education. He is often called the “Father of Holistic Medicine” and Founded the American Holistic Medical Association in 1978.

Dr. Sergey Shealy-Sorin

Dr. Sergey Leo Shealy-Sorin M.D., 2020 Holistic Physician of the year, is a world renowned holistic healthcare advocate. After putting his own stage 3 colon cancer into remission, Dr. Shealy-Sorin has dedicated his life to sharing holistic healthcare & healing information with the world.

Alejandra Rodriguez, MD

Alejandra Rodriguez, MD, is a board-certified doctor currently holding two Master’s degrees – one in public health and another in vegan nutrition. She’s finishing her residency as a Preventative Medicine and Public Health doctor in one of the top hospitals in the country. Her work revolves around understanding the health issues affecting the community and the best strategies to fix them.

Jody Secker, PT

Pregnancy and post-natal specialist, with tertiary qualifications in exercise science and business, and is registered as a Level 3 Exercise Professional with Fitness Australia. I am passionate about educating, energising, and empowering pregnant and post-natal women through the provision of safe but effective exercise programs and fitness sessions, which I provide through my business, Mumabubs.

Claire Dunkley, PT

Claire Dunkley is becoming instrumental in revolutionising the Healthcare Industry with the introduction of Amino Neuro Frequency (ANF) Therapy technology to help heal patients at the cause of their issue and not just symptom management. Most of her clients experience a 50% reduction in pain within minutes of ANF Disc application with no side effects. Claire is on a mission to educate as many healthcare professionals in ANF Therapy so that more people can become pain-free and live full and happy lives.

Dr. Jace Tan

Dr Jace Tan is the owner of Tan Chiro. She has clinical experience spanning over 10 years, receiving her chiropractic qualification in 2010 from RMIT University in Melbourne. Dr Tan has a holistic philosophy on health and her expertise includes manual spinal adjusting, extremity adjusting, soft tissue therapy, sporting injuries, headaches, rehabilitative care and patient education on health and well-being.

Philip A. Croatan, MS(k)

Philip A. Croatan, MS(k) is a leading practitioner in dietary protocol and physical therapy with premier physiotherapy experience from Atlanta to San Diego. Serving as an Assistant Strength & Conditioning Coach for Troy University’s Soccer teams (Sunbelt Conference Champions 2015), Volleyball team and Men’s Tennis program. He is also an alumnus of the Division I Sunbelt Conference Football team and Men’s Track and Field.